Make an impact now by making a one-time, or recurring monthly donation online. Your support will help us expand our programming, provide access to our seminars for members of our community unable to afford attending, and will help us train additional co-facilitators to reach more people and organizations.
The goal of the Campaign to Build a Racism-Free Community is to raise $1 million in philanthropic and corporate support. The campaign is designed to provide the necessary resources to build organizational capacity and make the Healing Racism Institute self-sustaining by 2023.
We are at an important juncture as a critical mass builds to challenge the status quo. The demand for our services is growing dramatically. In launching the
Campaign to Build a Racism-Free Community,
we welcome those who are ready to meet the challenge. Through both financial support and program participation, we can address systemic racism with a systemic response.
Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley, All Rights Reserved